At 4.5 years old my 2nd child became semi autonomous and I was able to get 2 hours a day without interruption. It was an opportunity to work towards a new position. Current job was perfect, but income did not allow for a mortgage. Plan was to prepare for software engineer in Google Switzerland.
I practiced algorithmic coding challenges every day, for 2 hours. And before bed I read [1]. In the 3rd month Amazon Web Services (AWS) contacted me.
It was 3rd reach out, last 2 times I couldn’t pass the loop. This time I took it as an opportunity to validate my progression from the coding challenges.
I breezed through the AWS interviews.
And the compensation was great.
But I needed more signals that AWS is the right path as it meant holding off relocation. So I negotiated for a higher salary, and got it. That set the stone in place. I signed the offer.
Upon reflection of events leading to change in roles something stood out…
Just before I landed 1st job - I learned to code by building website for personal business
Just before 2nd job - I built gaming oriented web site with latest tech
Just before 3rd job - I was reading all time classic programming books
Just before 4th job - I was learning architecture patterns
Just before 5th job - I was reading on project & people management
…A personal life pattern.
Whenever I invested time in self-improvement my career progressed.
I wonder where I would be now if I was persistent in following it.
But back then my 3rd child was on the way and my wife needed all the help she could get.
[1] Cracking the coding interview
What life patterns have you discovered for yourself? Do you capitalize on them? Or you find they are subject to more and unknown conditions? Let us know!