Idea so uncomfortable we tackle it only when our backs are to the wall. With as many ways to address as the unique environments we are in, but no silver bullet.
And I’m so guilty of doing all to avoid prioritization. Staying till late. Waking up early to have extra hours. Syncing in bed. Skipping breaks. Neglecting 2 out of 3 focus areas… Environment allowed it.
But in 2023 4th kid was born and options to do extra time disappeared as my wife desperately needed help. Though I still focused in 1 out of 3 areas.
That unfair time distribution between the areas bugged me. Till 2024 when I decided to stop hiding behind the priority + busy-ness of the 1st area, and spread focus to all 3.
I experimented with basic scheme:
At start of week I calculate time objectives for areas. From total work hours (35h) I subtract arrangements outside of the areas, and distribute remainder (28h) between them (1st 14h, 2nd 8h, 3rd 6h).
During day I cycle between the 3 areas in sequences of increasing time consumptions: news and quick actions first; then ones taking 15-30min, and last requiring focus of 1h+. Actions from busiest area which can wait are delayed to allow time for other areas.
Hours per area are tracked and at end of day objectives are reduced. As weekdays go, prioritization becomes more ruthless.
The experiment worked well and at present I use the scheme.
Main challenge was to conquer the fears of compromises I’d had to do: delay answers for days; reduce my bar for quality to meet demand; push back to self-serve; ask for help. All uncomfortable at first. But necessary to scale out. Path everyone has to walk at some point.
Delay answers for days. I pride on my responsiveness. But have I met same? No. Does other side expect answer immediately? No. Did anything change when I replied with reasonable delay? No.
Push back to self-serve. I get queries who are ideal for support through self-serve. While I like to answer them, I’m a bottleneck, and I don’t provide unique value. So I asked to self-serve. I feared I’d be considered uncooperative, but people understood, and sentiment didn’t change.
Ask for help. Swarmed with queries on domain I didn’t have expertise, a choice was due, drop everything else or get help. Former was failure to manage time and latter was the fear of admitting inability to meet demand/do job. Facing the fear I raised awareness and with assistance from team we found expert to handle long-term queries in domain.
Above experiments showed my fears were unsubstantiated. Just assumptions on how future will unfold, keeping me in status-quo check/mate. Reading [1] triggered me to reality test the fears.
My mentor also enlightened me on the benefits of making short breaks every 25min [2]. I’m now less tired at end of day and feel physically better as I experiment with 1min workouts at rests.
[1] Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work
[2] Study Less Study Smart