The AI event overeating fiasco

I was at a fancy AI event to meet a customer. I arrived to a big hall in front of the conference room. The hall had breakfast buffet with pastries, sweet bites, and mini cakes. I love pastries. But recently I reached my weight loss target and focus was to maintain it. Lack of self-control was the enemy. With 2300 a day calorie limit in mind I took couple sweets + coffee. Mmm those pastries.. so good. Sugar.. not enough. Belly.. not full. Temptations.. all around. I gave in. I knew I’ll end up overstuffed, but the body had other surprise too.

Filled in from the breakfast buffet I joined the first AI session.
30min in I started feeling full. Heaviness increased by end of the presentation, but the feeling was bearable.

Break after 1st session had the hall filled with new set of sweets.
With body indicating full, but mind desiring more sensations, I engulfed more sugar and coffee.

At 2nd AI presentation I felt full to the max and a little sick in the stomach.
Break after the 2nd session was at lunch. Fish delicatesses buffet was calling me.
Body begged me to please don’t, but mind ignored, and I went for the fish.
Not impressed with the taste I concluded I had enough. I could focus on else.

Went to find rest of the account team, and to catch up on plans to meet the customer.
As I chatted with the Account Manager I felt extremely tired and very sick in the stomach.
I thought I’ll explode. Excused myself and rushed to the loo.

I looked at the portal, awaiting the inevitable. But with all feelings present it didn’t come.

“Ok, what is happening here?”
Squatted up and down several times.
“Interesting.. So you want to throw up, but you don’t.. Let me do it for you.”
Rolled sleeves up, 2 fingers together, and up you go in my throat.
I barfed. Once.
“Oh cmon, you don’t wanna let it all go?”
2 fingers in, one barf out.
“Oh really? You want to play that way?”
2 in, one out.. 2 in, one out .. .. 15 times.

With barrel empty I felt fresh.
Went back to business. The 3rd AI presentation had started so I joined in straight away.

Break after the 3rd session, and you know it, a buffet.
Attacked the sweets with a caution of not mixing that much. Plus coffee.
Caught up with the account team. Catch up with customer had been postponed. So I headed home as tiredness had kicked again.

On way back I got some chocolate peanuts to snack on the train.
At home I finished any leftovers. Got the sickness again. And flushed again before bed.
Not bad eh, no extra calories on top.

It was a great day. Literally. I went with a mindset of having a great time. And took the overeating fiasco as peculiar way to learn how the body behaves. The diet I had was with low amount ingredient meals. So the stomach had forgotten how to process everything under the sun at once.