It was inevitable. In 26 posts I covered the interesting stories on top of mind and now I’m out of ideas to write about. Stopping the weekly blog cadence. Take time for idea to bubble up. And announce you can now subscribe via email on new posts @ [1]. The content will be an equal surprise for you and me.
Stepping back, first sentence in my first post [2] was
For years I read advice to build a network, to write blog posts, to engage with communities, to share expertise.
of which:
Writing posts - accomplished
Build a network - without progress
Engage with communities - fat 0
Share expertise - done through the blog, but with room for improvement. Higher chance of impact when advice is asked for.
The reflection struck me as I read [3]. The book emphasizes all happens through people. Quickest way to meet a goal is to have a connection to the right person. Where the connection is based on strong relationship with them or someone in their network. And to build relationship one has to first provide value, repeatedly, before asking.
Give. Give. Give. And then you’ll get. Is what hit me. Because I do not operate in this way. I act in transactional way. If there’s value I engage. Otherwise I’m passive. I don’t ask friends what’s up if no interest on my mind. Apart from family there’s no single person I interact with every month. The result is hardly any opportunities coming from connections. This self-centered mindset must be eradicated.
As next step I’ll try to reinvigorate relations with ‘close’ contacts. Keep in touch regularly. Ask how I can provide value, without expecting anything in return. Try to build relationships with new people. And explore if power connecting is in my realm of possibilities.
Unclear how keeping in touch will have an effect.
Unknown how to connect with new persons outside of my domain.
Unaware how I can provide value to any contact.
But fear we must not. And try we must.
What do you need help with?
[1] Email subscribe
[2] Here I am
[3] How to Be a Power Connector: The 5+50+100 for Turning Your Business Network into Profits