Qurious what reactions a blog might yield? Here’s what I experienced. From 21 posts.
Past colleague requested to meet up and evaluate his business idea. Next day after first post [1]. I obliged. Didn’t ask if the post visibility gave him the idea to reach me, but I’d like to think so.
A friend and ex-colleague became my first mentee. He saw attitude improvements in me. The blog resonated to him. And awareness on areas to improve triggered him to ask.
2 times I was accounted for reduced smiles. I had covered benefits of smiles [2] and proclaimed I increased happy faces. One improvement I’m slowly regressing from.
~3 colleagues informed me they like my writing style.
~5 people told me they read the blog.
2 times was noted new posts are not always shown in LinkedIn feed. Algorithm I guess. Turned on creator mode, which seems to helped partially.
2 complaints to my manager for 2 controversial posts [3][4]. Tweaked [4] as result. I gambled on more than 2 occasions. And got out lightly.
1 co-worker bought a book [5] I mentioned every 2nd post. The repetition stuck out. And ofcourse book being source for mindset improvements.
Asked once to elaborate on skills required for TAM role. Related to [4].
Implemented advice from 2 comments in [6]. To audio playback my bible notebook while doing other activities. Instead of struggling to find read time. And to start meditating.
That’s it. The feedback I received and my actions in response. Since my blog started 5 months ago. On 21 posts. And 200 hours of writing.
[1] Here I am
[2] Smile!
[3] Speedrun of mistakes
[4] From Engineer to TAM
[5] How to Win Friends and Influence People
[6] My daily schedule